Emma Stisi co-directs Stisi Group with husband Ross, and is our Client Relationship Manager.
Emma’s role
Emma co-founded Stisi Group with Ross; together they’ve worked tirelessly to establish and build the respected and successful business they run today. With years of experience in wealth management, premier account management and mortgage processing, Emma’s focus is now on customer experience. As Client Relationship Manager, she co-ordinates our unique Client Obsession Programme.
We work hard to create a sense of team with our colleagues – when you have open discussion and idea-sharing it can lead to group problem-solving, meaning that we can find the right solution for any client, whever their circumstances.
Get to know Emma with us!
As we did in previous blogs with Craig and Sarah, we thought of our nosiest questions – here’s what Emma had to say!
Stisi Group: Stisi Group is your family business, alongside husband Ross. Did you always have a plan to have your own business?
Emma Stisi: Nope, I was actually studying to be a mental health counsellor, following a long break after having our son Liam. Ross thought we would work well as a team as I had many years’ experience in financial services so asked me how I felt about starting our own business. Team Stisi was then born!
SG: We know that this must be the best job you’ve ever had – but which other job(s) have you loved? Or hated?
ES: I LOVED my job in direct sales in a well-known insurance company. I have never hated a job, fortunately.
SG: As well as being a Director, you’re our Client Relationship Manager – what does Client Obsession mean to you?
ES: Our customer service means everything to us. Our business has been and continues to be built on the quality of service we provide. It is my mission to make sure that the level and quality of service provided by Stisi Group trumps any other business!
SG: What’s the best / worst thing about working alongside your hubby?
ES: I have to say, I enjoy working with Ross. He’s my best friend and we help each other grow. He appreciates and uses my ideas and my advice and vice versa.
SG: Anyone who’s met Ross might suggest that his personality and character are a key factor in driving the business forward. Of course, we know that beside every strong man there is an equally strong woman – but, seeing as we’re a bit cheeky, do any of these quotes also apply?
1. Behind every great man there is a surprised woman (Maryon Pearson)
2. Behind every successful man is a proud wife and a surprised mother-in-law (Hubert H. Humphrey)
3. Behind every great man is a woman rolling her eyes (Jim Carrey)
ES: I would say definitely number three!
SG: Ross is known as the Bearded Broker – but what do you really think of the beard?
ES: I don’t like the beard one bit but he likes it and that’s what matters… I suppose…
SG: Who in #TeamStisi HQ is most likely to sing along to the radio? In tune?
ES: I am definitely the one who will sing along to any songs I know. Especially anything from the 80’s!
SG: What do you love most about living in East Lothian?
ES: I do love living in East Lothian. I love the community spirit and the views. The beach is a two-minute drive from our house and for me that’s food for the soul! It’s amazing for our family walks.
SG: If you could swap places with anyone for a day, who would it be, and why?
ES: I would swap places with my nine-year-old son for a day. He makes anything fun. His continuous positivity and happy attitude towards everything inspires me.
SG: What are your top three favourite films or books?
ES: I love reading. My favourite author at the moment is Michael Robotham and I am working my way through his books. My top three books are Woman in the Window by A.J. Finn, The Secrets She Keeps by Michael Robotham and Surprisingly Down to Earth and Very Funny by Scottish comedian, actor and producer Limmy.
SG: How much would it take in charity donations for you to shave your head?
ES: It would have to be in the millions for me to shave my head!
SG: Tell us something surprising about yourself?
ES: My first love was Tom Cruise…..and still is! Cocktail is my absolute favourite film and I’ve seen it at least 100 times over the years! I LOVE animals.
SG: Thanks, Emma!
You can contact Emma and the rest of the team at [email protected], call us on 0131 510 1240.